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Dear Colleague,

Collective Grievance

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all those who signed our recent collective grievance around health and safety within the workplace.

Aberdeen City Council has now taken active steps to address many of the concerns highlighted in our grievance including updating risk assessments, enhanced social distancing, introduction of city-wide staffing rotas along with the consideration of hubs are all a welcomed step forward to a safer workplace for education staff.

Please be assured that without your commitment to this campaign we would not have seen this movement from your employer in making reasonable adjustments across the city within workplaces.  This is a win for GMB members.

To continue with our collective grievance at this time would therefore be counter productive as branch officials are in active dialogue with the Education Management Team.  Equality in education is a must for every school worker across Aberdeen City Council.

GMB Scotland made it clear that a corporate universal approach across all settings should have been introduced at the very start of term.  As you know this did not happen and left many individuals at a disadvantage in comparison to other colleagues within other settings.

I would like to reassure you that if you still have any localised issues within your workplace, please contact your branch for further assistance.  Only with strong workplace leaders will we start to see fundamental change within the workplace and wider service. If you would like to become a union representative please contact your branch for further information.

We will shortly be rolling out a programme of online meetings with our members to hear directly from the workforce about key workplace issues and other campaigning opportunities.  Please complete your questionnaire to gage the best time and medium for such events so that a no member is being left behind in these most challenging of times.  You can complete this by clicking the following link:

Once again, I would like to thank you directly for your continued support in this matter.

Kind regards

Stephen Massey
GMB Regional Organiser

Posted: 22nd January 2021

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