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Dear member

GMB Scotland is Scotland’s campaigning union and will not compromise on your members health and safety within the workplace.

Education management have notified your union that they will be implementing city wide staffing rota(s) for all PSA staff across Aberdeen city except for two schools.  Following the Scottish Government announcement that schools will not be returning until at least mid-February consideration will now be given to the creation of one hub with the amalgamation of two schools to ensure service delivery and to mitigate staff shortages.

This is a welcomed development by Aberdeen City Council to ensure that all staff are being treated fairly and have access to safe systems of work at this time. We would therefore like to know if your school is now operating a staff rota.  If this is not the case, then please can you let us know as we will address this directly with Education Management.

I would also like to reassure our members that the collective grievance raised on behalf of GMB members is based upon information received from our local and national education workplace surveys.  As your union we want to ensure that all GMB Scotland members are being treated equally and fairly within covid secure schools during this national pandemic.

Kind regards

Stephen Massey
GMB Regional Organiser

Posted: 20th January 2021

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