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Dear Member,

Firstly, we would like to thank you so much for the time you had taken in previous emails and surveys to let us know what had been happening in your workplace and letting your union know how we could make the workplace safer for you during these extremely difficult times.

From the feedback we received. It seems there are some concerns on the health and wellbeing and the impact it may be having working from home. So, we want to ask you to take the time to give us your take on how you feel.

We take our members Health and Wellbeing seriously and we want to work together to make sure you are not burnt out before you return to work or in what is the “new norm”.

Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey – your response will help GMB Scotland to represent your voice with employers and politicians.

Please complete your home working survey by click –

We may share your responses, anonymously with your employer we will will ensure there is nothing published that can identify you.

Kind regards
Shirley Malone
Aberdeen City Council Education Rep

Posted: 3rd February 2021

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